Fender Mustang GTX100

Fender Mustang GTX50 GTX100 User Manual LINE OUT AND FX SEND/RETURN

Fender Mustang GTX100

Mustang GTX amplifiers feature rear-panel balanced line output jacks (right and left) for connection to external recording and sound reinforcement equipment (see illustration below).

Close-up detail of rear-panel right and left balanced line outputs.

The gain control described above for the USB audio port can also be used for the line out, using the same steps.

Mustang GTX also features an effects loop. The right/left FX send and right/left FX return jacks on the far right of the rear panel are for mono or stereo external effects use (see illustration below); a mono effect can be plugged into the right or left channel. Note that effects connected to these jacks are “global” (not preset-specific) and will act as the last elements in the signal path.

Close-up detail of rear-panel right and left FX send/return jacks.

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