Fender Mustang GTX100

Fender Mustang GTX50 GTX100 User Manual FOOTSWITCH USE

Fender Mustang GTX100

Three foot-control devices can be used with Mustang GTX amplifiers—the GTX-7 and MGT-4 footswitches and the EXP-1 Expression Pedal.

The seven-button GTX-7 Footswitch comes with Mustang GTX100 and is optional for Mustang GTX50. It enables convenient remote foot control of several functions, including the built-in tuner, amp preset selection, effects bypass, 60-second looper and more. The EXP-1 Expression Pedal, optional for both Mustang GTX amps, is a dual-mode digital pedal that controls Mustang GTX volume and amp/effect parameters.

The four-button MGT-4 Footswitch is optional for both Mustang GTX amp models. Note that instructions for using the MGT-4 Footswitch can be found online in the Mustang GT Guitar Amplifier Expanded Owner’s Manual Rev. A (PN 7712493000), and in the Mustang GT Guitar Amplifier Addendum to Expanded Owner’s Manual Firmware V2.0 (PN 7715279000).

Connect the GTX-7 or MGT-4 footswitch to the FOOTSWITCH jack on the amp’s rear panel. The amplifier automatically defaults to the connected footswitch while the amp is fully booted. The GTX-7 or MGT-4 footswitch can be combined with the EXP-1 Expression Pedal by “chaining” the two pedals together.


The GTX-7 Footswitch has seven buttons—a BANK UP button at upper left, a MODE/TUNER button at upper right, and five numbered FUNCTION buttons along the bottom. Three MODE LEDs are at upper right, and five FUNCTION LEDs are arrayed with one above each FUNCTION button. The DISPLAY WINDOW is at top center.

  • A. BANK UP BUTTON: Used to move up and down through consecutive groups (“banks”) of five presets.

  • B. DISPLAY WINDOW: Displays footswitch function currently in use.

  • C. MODE LEDS: Color-coded LEDs indicate which of three modes is in use—PRESETS (red), EFFECTS (amber) or LOOPER (green).

  • D. MODE/TUNER BUTTON: Used to select among PRESETS, EFFECTS and LOOPER modes; press and hold for chromatic TUNER mode.

  • E. FUNCTION BUTTONS/LEDS: Five numbered buttons enable foot control of various Mustang GTX functions, depending on footswitch mode in use. Red LEDs above each FUNCTION BUTTON indicate various functions in use.


The GTX-7 Footswitch offers three Mustang GTX modes—PRESETS, EFFECTS and LOOPER. To choose one, cycle through them by stepping on the MODE button (D) at the upper right of the footswitch repeatedly until the desired mode is reached, as indicated by its color-coded MODE LED (C).


PRESETS mode enables the user to reach any of Mustang GTX’s many presets using the GTX-7 Footswitch. To do this, step on the MODE button (green arrow in illustration below) until PRESETS mode is activated, as indicated by the illuminated red MODE LED directly to the right of the label “PRESETS.”

When the GTX-7 Footswitch is in PRESETS mode, presets become available in consecutive groups of five called “banks,” with each of the five presets in a bank sequentially assigned to FUNCTION buttons 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. To move “upward” through subsequent banks of five presets, step on the BANK UP button (blue arrow in illustration below). To move “downward” to the preceding bank of five presets, step on and hold the BANK UP button.

When the bank containing the desired preset is reached, select the desired preset within that bank by stepping on its corresponding FUNCTION button (yellow arrows in illustration below). When the desired preset has been selected, its corresponding red FUNCTION LED will illuminate, and the DISPLAY WINDOW will show the preset in use (see illustration below, in which preset 3 is active). The PRESETS mode LED will flash at the tempo of time-based effects; to change tempo using the GTX-7, tap twice on the currently selected PRESET footswitch.

Note that when activating PRESETS mode, the GTX-7 Footswitch will automatically set itself to whatever MUSTANG GTX preset is already set on the amp. This preset will be assigned to the footswitch FUNCTION button corresponding to the preset’s position within its bank (1, 2, 3, 4 or 5). For example, if the amp is set to preset number 33, the GTX-7 Footswitch in PRESETS mode will also be set to preset number 33 and will assign that preset to FUNCTION button 3 (the third preset in the bank containing presets 31, 32, 33, 34 and 35).


EFFECTS mode lets the user turn the first five effects in a Mustang GTX preset on and off using the GTX-7 Footswitch (known as the EFFECTS mode default or “first five” setting).

To do this, step on the footswitch MODE button (green arrow in illustration on next page) until EFFECTS mode is activated; the MODE LED directly to the right of the label “EFFECTS” will illuminate in amber and “EFF” will appear in the DISPLAY WINDOW (see illustration on next page). Any effects in the active preset are then assigned to the footswitch FUNCTION buttons—labeled “FX1”, “FX2”, “FX3”, “FX4” and “FX5” for this purpose (yellow arrows in illustration below). When an effect is on, the red FUNCTION LED above its assigned FUNCTION button will illuminate. To bypass an effect, step on its corresponding FUNCTION button; theeffect and its red FUNCTION LED will then turn off. To turn the effect back on, step on its FUNCTION button again.

Up to the first five effects in a preset are assigned this way; in a preset with only two effects, for example, they are assigned to FUNCTION buttons “FX1” and “FX2”, as in the example below.

EFFECTS mode example showing a preset with two effects, each assigned to FUNCTION buttons FX1 and FX2. The illuminated red FUNCTION LEDs above FX1 and FX2 indicate that both effects are on; both can be turned off by stepping on their respective FUNCTION buttons.

EFFECTS mode also offers a “category” setting in which five entire categories of effects are assigned to the footswitch FUNCTION buttons, letting the user turn all effects of a particular type on and off in the active preset. In this setting, Stompbox effects are assigned to FUNCTION button FX1, Modulation effects are assigned to FUNCTION button FX2, Delay effects are assigned to FUNCTION button FX3, Reverb effects are assigned to FUNCTION button FX4 and Filters+Pitch effects are assigned to FUNCTION button FX5. Note that the Dynam-ics+EQ effects category can not be assigned to the footswitch.

To use this EFFECTS mode setting, press the MENU utility button on the amp control panel and use the ENCODER to scroll to and select the “FOOTSWITCH” menu option:

Use the ENCODER to scroll to and select “GTX-7 (7-BUTTON)” from the menu of devices shown, then use the ENCODER to scroll to and select “FX ASSIGN”:

Use the ENCODER to scroll to and select the “category” setting, shown in the DISPLAY WINDOW as “1.STMP 2.MOD 3.DLY”, then press the MENU utility button to return to the active preset:

The GTX-7 Footswitch has now assigned Stompbox effects to FUNCTION button FX1, Modulation effects to FX2, Delay effects to FX3, Reverb effects to FX4 and Filters+Pitch effects to FX5; each can be turned on and off by stepping on its designated FUNCTION button. Note that Mustang GTX will “remember” EFFECTS mode settings after turning the amplifier off and back on again; in order to return to the default “first five” setting previously described, repeat the steps in this section and select the “FIRST 5 (DEFAULT)” menu option in the final step.


LOOPER mode enables the user to record loops up to 60 seconds long and overdub subsequent parts. Any number of overdubbed parts can be layered over the original recorded part; however, only the last overdub created can be undone. To record a loop, step on the MODE button (green arrow in illustration below) until “LOOPER” mode is activated; the MODE LED directly to the right of the label “LOOPER” will illuminate in green (see illustration below).

To begin recording the first musical passage, step on FUNCTION button 1 (yellow arrow in illustration below) labeled “REC” for this purpose. The red FUNCTION LED above the button will begin flashing and the DISPLAY WINDOW will show “REC,” indicating that the LOOPER is in recording mode; play a passage of any time duration up to 60 seconds (see illustration below).

When finished playing the first musical passage, stop recording and start playback by stepping on FUNCTION button 3 (yellow arrow in illustration on next page), labeled “PLAY”. The red FUNCTION LED above FUNCTION button 1 will stop flashing, the red FUNCTION LED above FUNCTION button 3 will illuminate, and the DISPLAY WINDOW will indicate playback by showing “PLA” (see illustration on next page). To stop playback, step on FUNCTION button 4, labeled “STOP” (green arrow in illustration on next page); the DISPLAY WINDOW will show “STP” (not shown in illustration).

When finished playing the first musical passage, go into overdub mode by stepping on FUNCTION button 2 (yellow arrow in illustration below). The red FUNCTION LED above the button will begin flashing and the DISPLAY WINDOW will show “DUB,” indicating that the LOOPER is now in overdub mode and a second musical passage can be recorded over the first (overdub mode can also be activated during playback of the first passage by stepping on FUNCTION button 2). Continue overdubbing musical passages as often as desired. After an overdub is recorded, step on FUNCTION button 3 (green arrow in illustration below) to start playback of all recorded parts; press FUNCTION button 4 (blue arrow in illustration below) to stop playback.

While recording, playing back or stopped on the first musical passage, the user can undo the recording if desired by stepping on FUNCTION button 5 (yellow arrow in illustration below), labeled “UNDO.” When doing so, recording will stop, the red FUNCTION LED above the button will illuminate and the DISPLAY WINDOW will show the mode is currently in use (“REC” in the illustration below). Once overdubs have been added, however, the UNDO function applies only to the last overdub recorded; preceding overdubs cannot be undone.


The GTX-7 Footswitch can also be used for hands-free tuning. To do this, step on and briefly hold the MODE button (green arrow in illustration below) to activate the chromatic tuner, upon which the pitch letter closest to the sounded note appears in the DISPLAY WINDOW. FUNCTION LEDs 1 and 2 at left illuminate red to indicate degrees of flatness; FUNCTION LEDs 4 and 5 at right illuminate red to indicate degrees of sharpness. When correct pitch is attained, FUNCTION LED 3 at center illuminates red. When tuning is complete, step on any button to exit tuner mode. Note that GTX-7 Footswitch tuner use mutes speaker output.

To activate the GTX-7 Footswitch tuning function, step on and briefly hold the MODE button (green arrow). In the example shown here, an “A” note is displayed as being particularly flat, as indicated by the illumination of FUNCTION LED 1 at far left (yellow arrow).

Here, the “A” note is displayed as being slightly sharp, as indicated by the illumination of FUNCTION LED 4 (yellow arrow).

Here, the “A” note is at correct pitch, as indicated by the illumination of FUNCTION LED 3 at center (yellow arrow). When tuning is complete, step on any button to exit footswitch tuner mode.


The EXP-1 Expression Pedal is a dual-mode foot controller that enables the user to control master volume (“Volume” mode) and various amp and effect parameters (“Expression” mode).

Switch between Volume and Expression modes by stepping on the toe switch (at the top of the pedal). Red and green LEDs indicate the mode in use. Volume mode—indicated by the green LED—controls master volume or can be turned off. Expression mode—indicated by the red LED—con-trols many Mustang GTX effect parameters such as wah effect frequencies, modulation effect rates, etc.

To set up the EXP-1 for use, connect it to the footswitch jack on the back of the amplifier, turn the amp on. Press the MENU utility button on the amp and use the ENCODER to scroll to and select “FOOTSWITCH” (not shown), and then “EXP-1(EXPRESSION)” on the menu shown (see illustration below).

A prompt will appear to select “PRESET SETTINGS” or “GLOBAL SETTINGS” (see illustration below); use the ENCODER to select one. PRESET SETTINGS is used to assign the EXP-1 to a specific amp or effect within a particular preset, in which a wide variety of parameters can be modified, depending on the amp or preset in use. GLOBAL SETTINGS is used to configure parameters that will affect all presets. Both are described in more detail below.


As noted above, PRESET SETTINGS is used to assign the EXP-1 to a specific amp or effect within a particular preset. To do this, press the ENCODER on PRESET SETTINGS, and the middle SIGNAL PATH LAYER will show— one at a time—the amp and effects in that preset to which the EXP-1 can be assigned. The user can scroll through these by turning the ENCODER (see illustration below).

In EXP-1 PRESET SETTINGS, the amp and effects in a preset to which the EXP-1 can be assigned are shown one by one in the SIGNAL PATH LAYER; the ENCODER is used to scroll through them. In the example above, a ’65 Twin amp is highlighted.

Once an amp or effect is highlighted in the SIGNAL PATH LAYER, the CONTROLS LAYER below it will show several configurable EXP-1 items for that particular preset. Press the CONTROLS LAYER button to enter the CONTROLS LAYER (see illustration below).

To assign the EXP-1 to a specific effect within a preset, press the CONTROLS LAYER button (yellow arrow) to access items including the parameter settings (“PARAM”) for the effect. In the example shown here, the EXP-1 will control a Green Box overdrive stompbox effect.

Use the ENCODER to scroll to and select “PARAMETER,” which lets the user select a control parameter of the amp or effect shown in the SIGNAL PATH LAYER to be controlled using the EXP-1 in Expression mode (see illustration below).

Use the ENCODER (yellow arrow) to scroll to “PARAMETER,” which encompasses the individual controls for the effect highlighted in the SIGNAL PATH LAYER. In the example shown here, “LEVEL” is one of the Green Box overdrive parameters that can be assigned to the EXP-1.

When selected, the parameter box will change from blue to red and the ENCODER can then be used to scroll through different control parameters; press the ENCODER on any of these to change their settings for EXP-1 pedal use (see illustration below). When a control is selected, it will turn from blue to red, indicating that it can now be adjusted. When adjustment is complete, press the ENCODER again, and the control will return to blue with the new parameter value in place.

From the example above, press the ENCODER (yellow arrow) on “LEVEL.” Its box will change from blue to red, indicating that adjustments can then be made to that parameter of the Green Box overdrive effect for EXP-1 use .

Once a parameter adjustment is complete, press the SAVE utility button to keep parameter changes (see illustration below).

Several other EXP-1 modes reside in the CONTROLS LAYER. Use the ENCODER to scroll among and select these modes and the options within them. These modes are:

VOLUME MODE (“VOL”): Turns off the EXP-1 Volume mode (green LED) pedal function (see illustrations below).

EXPRESSION MODE (“EXP”): Allows three different assignments. “OFF” turns off the EXP-1 Expression mode pedal function (red LED). “VOLUME” configures EXP-1 to control master volume (similar to VOLUME MODE above). “AMP/FX” configures EXP-1 to control the amp or effect shown in the SIGNAL PATH LAYER.

HEEL/TOE MODES: Together, these specify the range of the parameter to be controlled.

LIVE MODE: When ON, the configured parameter immediately jumps to the value “commanded” by the position of the pedal. When OFF, initial pedal position is “ignored” until the pedal is actually moved, after which it’s in synch with the configured parameter.

BYPASS MODE: When ON, effect bypass can be toggled on and off using the EXP-1 toe switch.

REVERT MODE: When ON, the configured parameter is restored to the value stored in the preset when switching from Expression mode to Volume mode using the toe switch.

DEFAULT MODE: Configures initial EXP-1 mode (Volume or Expression) for the preset in use. DEFAULT MODE is overridden when the “GLOBAL SETTINGS” function “MODE SOURCE” is set to “PEDAL” (see “GLOBAL SETTINGS” on following page).

In this example, to turn off the EXP-1 Volume mode pedal function for the ’65 Twin shown in the SIGNAL PATH LAYER, press the CONTROLS LAYER button. “VOLUME” mode will be automatically highlighted in the CONTROLS LAYER.

Press the ENCODER on “VOLUME.” The label box will change from blue to red, indicating that an adjustment can now be made.

Turn the ENCODER (yellow arrow) to “OFF,” then press it to select “OFF” setting. EXP-1 Volume mode pedal function for the amp shown in the SIGNAL PATH LAYER is now off, and the label box will return to blue. Press the SAVE utility button (green arrow) to keep changes.


As noted, GLOBAL SETTINGS is used to assign the EXP-1 to all presets. After pressing the MENU utility button and scrolling to and selecting “EXP-1 SETUP,” press the ENCODER again and scroll to “GLOBAL SETTINGS” (see illustration below).

Press the ENCODER on “GLOBAL SETTINGS.”Three parameters can be modified in the menu shown—”MODE SOURCE,”“HEEL VOLUME” and “TOE VOLUME.”“MODE SOURCE” is used to choose between “PRESET” and “PEDAL” settings. “PRESET” means that whatever preset the user is in determines whether the EXP-1 is in Volume mode or Expression mode (this can change from preset to preset). In the “PEDAL” setting, the EXP-1 overrides preset settings and stays in whichever mode (Volume or Expression) it’s currently in.

Press the ENCODER and turn it to select “PEDAL” or “PRESET.” The label box will change from blue to red (see illustration below) until a selection is made by pressing the pressing the ENCODER AGAIN, after which the label box will return to blue with the current selection in place.

“HEEL VOLUME” and “TOE VOLUME” are used together to set a volume range covered by the pedal, the default range of which is set at 1-10, with the heel all the way down being 1 (no volume) and the toe all the way down being 10 (full volume). This range can be adjusted to preference, by using the “HEEL VOLUME” control to set a different value for minimum volume and using the “TOE VOLUME” control to set a different value for maximum volume.

Use the ENCODER to scroll to and select the “HEEL VOLUME” and “TOE VOLUME” controls. When each is selected, it will turn from blue to red, indicating that it can now be adjusted. When adjustment is complete, press the ENCODER again to keep the new control value, and the control will return to blue (see illustration below).

Note that Global Settings changes are saved automatically; no extra “save” step is required.

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