Fender Mustang GTX100

Fender Mustang GTX50 GTX100 User Manual EQ & AMP SETTINGS

Fender Mustang GTX100

“EQ & Amp Settings” is a MENU utility (see page 28) providing access to several functions, including GLOBAL EQ, LINE OUT/USB GAIN, PRESET ORGANIZER, RESTORE SETTINGS and RESTORE ALL, and ABOUT THIS AMP. All are initially accessed by first pressing the MENU utility button and using the ENCODER to scroll to and select “EQ & AMP SETTINGS.”

To access the Amp Settings function, first press the MENU utility button.


“Global EQ” is a MENU utility button function within the EQ & AMP SETTINGS menu (see page 28) that provides access to different equalization curves for easier adjustment of overall amp response to different acoustic environments. This is particularly helpful when users have all their favorite presets and settings dialed in, but then find themselves in, for example, brighter- or boomier-sounding rooms, halls, outdoor areas, etc. Rather than re-adjust each and every preset and setting, users can quickly and easily select one of nine different EQ profiles shaped to suit the surroundings at hand.

Activate this function by pressing the MENU utility button (green arrow) and using the ENCODER to scroll to and select “EQ & AMP SETTINGS”, and then “GLOBAL EQ.” Scroll to and select any of the nine options presented (see illustrations below and on next page)—“BRIGHT CUT EQ” for de-accentuating top end, ”FLAT EQ” (a good default choice that actually provides no additional equalization), two different “GUITAR FOCUS” profiles, two different “BRIGHT BOOST” profiles for accentuating the top end, two “LOW CUT” profiles for trimming bass response, and a “LOW VOLUME BASS BOOST” profile for enhanced bass response at lower volume settings (using this EQ at higher volumes could cause unwanted boominess or speaker distortion).

To access the Global EQ function, first press the MENU utility button and use the ENCODER to scroll to and select “EQ & Amp Settings”.

Use the ENCODER to scroll to and select “GLOBAL EQ.”

Press the ENCODER to select a “GLOBAL EQ” option.


“LINE OUT/USB GAIN” is a MENU utility button function within the EQ & AMP SETTINGS menu (page 28) that provides a separate gain control for both USB and line out use (page 38). To access it, press the MENU utility button, then use the ENCODER to scroll to and select “EQ & AMP SETTINGS“, and then “LINE OUT/USB GAIN”. Use the ENCODER to scroll to and select a new USB gain value.


“PRESET ORGANIZER” is a MENU utility button function within the EQ & AMP SETTINGS menu (page 28) that lets the user move a preset to different position or clear it from the list of presets. The function also allows the entire list of presets to be restored to its original factory configuration.

To move a preset to a different position in the preset list, press the MENU utility button (green arrow). Then use the ENCODER to scroll to and select “EQ & AMP SETTINGS“, and then “PRESET ORGANIZER”. Use the ENCODER to scroll to and select “MOVE PRESET” (see illustrations below).

Use the ENCODER to scroll to and select a preset to be repositioned; the preset’s box will turn from blue to amber. Turn the ENCODER to reposition the selected preset; press the ENCODER to place the preset in a new position, after which its box will return to blue (see illustrations below).

To clear a preset from the preset list, press the MENU utility button, use the ENCODER to scroll to and select “EQ & AMP SETTINGS“, and then “PRESET ORGANIZER” as described on the previous page. Then use the ENCODER to scroll to and select “CLEAR PRESET” (see illustration below).

The selected preset’s box will be shown in red. Use the ENCODER to scroll to a preset to be cleared; press the ENCODER on the highlighted preset to clear it. Before clearing the preset, users are prompted to indicate whether they really wish to proceed by choosing “YES” or “NO”, with a warning that doing so may affect setlist(s). If “YES” is chosen by pressing the ENCODER on it, the preset is cleared and its numbered slot is shown as “EMPTY” (see illustrations below). If “NO” is chosen (not shown), users are returned to the previous screen.

To restore the entire list of presets to the original factory configuration, enter the PRESET ORGANIZER menu as described above, and use the ENCODER to scroll to and select “RESTORE PRESETS“ (see illustration below). A “YES”/”NO” warning prompt will appear as described above. If “YES” is chosen, the factory presets will be reloaded, after which the amp must be turned off and back on again. If “NO” is chosen, users are returned to the previous screen.


“RESTORE SETTINGS” and “RESTORE ALL” are MENU utility button function within the EQ & AMP SETTINGS menu (page 28). They enable quick and easy restoration of factory presets and amplifier settings. To do this, press the MENU utility button, then use the ENCODER to scroll to and select “EQ & AMP SETTINGS.” Scroll to and select either option—“RESTORE SETTINGS” for factory amp settings only, or “RESTORE ALL” for factory amp settings and presets (see illustrations below), and use the ENCODER to scroll to and select the “YES/NO” prompts under each (not shown).

The “RESTORE ALL” function is also accessible as a start-up option detailed in the “Firmware Updates and Factory Restore” section (page 60). Note that pressing the PRESET LAYER button corresponding to the circled “X” in the DISPLAY WINDOW enables closing out of each menu.

Use the ENCODER to scroll to and select one of the three “Amp Settings” options.

Use the ENCODER to scroll to and select “RESTORE SETTINGS” or “RESTORE ALL” (former shown in the example above).


“About This Amp” is a MENU utility button function within the EQ & AMP SETTINGS menu (page 28) that displays the amp’s current firmware version. To view this information, press the MENU utility button (green arrow in illustration below) and use the ENCODER to scroll to and select “EQ & AMP SETTINGS”, and then “ABOUT THIS AMP.”

After selecting “ABOUT THIS AMP,” the DISPLAY WINDOW will show the amp model and firmware version information (see illustration below).

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