Fender Rumble Studio 40 Stage 800 User Manual LINE OUT AND FX SEND/RETURN

Rumble Studio 40/Stage 800 amplifiers feature rear-panel balanced line outputs for connection to external recording and sound reinforcement equipment. The line out default setting is two mono outputs—”PRE” (direct and unaffected signal) and “POST” (includes all onboard processing). These outputs can also be configured for stereo (post). This setting is configured using the “AMP SETTINGS” menu option (see page 57).

Close-up detail of rear-panel balanced line outputs.
Rumble Studio 40/Stage 800’s effects loop has right/left FX send and right/left FX return jacks for mono or stereo external effects use (see illustration below). Use left channel for mono effects. Note that effects connected to these jacks are “global” (not preset-specific) and will act as the last elements in the signal path.

Close-up detail of rear-panel FX send/return jacks.
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