Fender Rumble Studio 40 Stage 800 User Manual FENDER TONE™ APP

Fender Tone—the ultimate companion app for Rumble Studio 40/Stage 800 amplifiers—is available as a free download from the Apple App Store (iPhone) and Google Play Store (Android). Fender Tone users can have convenient control over existing Rumble Studio 40/Stage 800 functions, plus access to additional content from Fender and the Fender Tone user community. These include:
Preset searching, navigation, filtering and selection
Creation and sharing of new presets
Preset signal path editing, re-ordering, additions and deletions
Amp and effects model parameter adjustments
Browse, search and download official Fender presets, artist signature presets, player presets, genre presets and more
Tone tips for signal path basics, amp models, effects types and more
Creation, selection and management of Setlists (personalized preset groupings)
Management of user accounts, product registration, WiFi settings and Bluetooth settings
EQ setting adjustments
Browse presets and learn more about Fender Tone at http://tone.fender.com.
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