Blackmagic Ultimatte 12 8K

Blackmagic Ultimatte12 User Manual Connectors

Blackmagic Ultimatte 12 8K

Use the connectors on your Ultimatte’s rear panel to connect power, video inputs, video outputs and to connect your Ultimatte to a computer or network. On smaller units that have fewer inputs you can load stills into the media pool and assign them to specific sources instead of plugging in those sources via a connector. Refer to the ‘Using the Media Pool’ section for more information.

1 Power

Power your Ultimatte by connecting a standard IEC cable to the rear panel. If your Ultimatte model has an additional IEC power input, you can connect to another power source for redundancy. For example, connecting the second input to an uninterrupted power supply, or UPS, will instantly take over if the primary source fails.


On larger Ultimatte units, use the USB port on the rear panel to connect your Ultimatte to your computer. This allows you to update and configure your Ultimatte with Blackmagic Ultimatte Setup. On smaller Ultimatte models the USB port is on the front panel.

3 Ethernet

The Ethernet port lets you connect to a computer, network or Smart Remote 4 so you can control your Ultimatte using Ultimatte Software Control. For more information, refer to the ‘connecting your computer’ and ‘connecting to a network’ sections later in this manual.

4 Reference

Most Ultimatte models feature reference input and output connectors. You can connect a reference signal to the reference input and sync your Ultimatte to an external master sync source. The reference out lets you loop the reference input to another Ultimatte or video equipment.


On larger Ultimatte models, this connector is for use with an external GPI interface. GPI inputs and outputs let you trigger Ultimatte preset files as GPI events. For more information refer to the ‘GPI and tally settings’ section.

6 Video Inputs

Each source input used in a composite should be carefully planned, so the elements that build your shot can be arranged into specific layers. Each source should be the same video format and connected to its determined source input so you always know where everything is, and you can manage your composite more effectively.

All inputs and outputs support SD and HD. Ultimatte 12 and Ultimatte 12 4K support Ultra HD. Ultimatte 12 8K has additional support for 8K formats.

Background Input

The background input is the image you want to use as the background for your composite. Depending on the Ultimatte model you are using, plug the background input into the BG IN or Background connector. You can also select a still from the media pool to use as a background.

Background Matte Input

If you want to extract a section of the background to use as a foreground element, choose a still from the media store or plug the background matte source into the BG MATTE IN connector.

Garbage Matte Input

A garbage matte allows you to exclude areas of a source so they are not included in your composite, for example lights or gripping equipment visible around the edges of your foreground image. To add a garbage matte plug a source containing an externally generated garbage matte into the G MATTE IN connector. You can also select a still from the media pool to use as a garbage matte.

Camera Foreground Input

Plug the foreground image you want to composite over the top of the background into the FG IN or Camera FG connector. The foreground image is typically the talent in front of a green screen.

Holdout Matte Input

A holdout matte lets you define an area of the foreground that you do not want to be keyed out, for example a green logo on the front of a desk. To add a holdout matte select a still from the media pool or plug a source containing an externally generated holdout matte into the H MATTE IN connector.

Layer Input

The layer input is for any additional video or graphics you want to add to your composite. You can also select a still from the media pool to use as a layer.

Layer Matte Input

Similar to other matte inputs, this input lets you connect an externally generated matte so you can precisely add the layer input source into your composite. You can also select a still from the media pool to use as a layer matte.


The ‘return’ connector on the rear panel of Ultimatte 12 HD Mini is for connecting camera control and tally data from an SDI ATEM switcher. For more information, refer to the ‘Camera Control via Ultimatte 12 HD Mini’ section for more information.

Monitor Input

The monitor input is important for daisy chaining to other Ultimatte units when using the powerful monitor cascade feature. Refer to the ‘settings’ section for more information.

7 Video Outputs

Source Loop Outputs

On some Ultimatte models, each source input has its own dedicated loop SDI output.

Program Outputs 1 and 2

Plug a program output, marked PGM into a switcher, for example an ATEM Mini or ATEM SDI.

Ultimatte 12 HD Mini models have both an SDI and HDMI program output.

Fill Outputs 1 and 2

If the Ultimatte unit you are using features fill outputs, then you can connect these outputs into a recording deck, and into a switcher for final compositing.

Matte Outputs 1 and 2

If the Ultimatte model you are using has matte outputs, then you can plug these into a recording deck, and into a switcher for final compositing. The matte output includes the internal matte, plus the garbage matte and holdout matte if enabled.

Talent Out 1 and 2

The talent output on larger Ultimatte models lets your talent monitor the final composite so they can position themselves in the frame and coordinate their actions to the composited image.

The talent output has a ‘mirror’ setting that lets you flip the talent output horizontally. Using this feature, the talent can see his or her position on the screen without needing to compensate for reversed camera left and right staging. Refer to the ‘settings/talent mirror’ section for more information.

8 Monitor Output

Plug the monitor output into a monitor or recording deck, the monitor output can be used to view any of the inputs, outputs or internal matte signals. This connector is also used for daisy chaining to other Ultimatte units when using the powerful monitor cascade feature. Refer to the ‘settings’ section for more information.

Supported Video Formats

All inputs and outputs support SD and HD. Ultimatte 12 and Ultimatte 12 4K support Ultra HD. Ultimatte 12 8K has additional support for 8K formats.

Connection Types



625i50 PAL, 525i59.94 NTSC, 720p50, 720p59.94, 720p60, 1080PsF23.98, 1080PsF24, 1080PsF25, 1080PsF29.97, 1080PsF30, 1080i50, 1080i59.94, 1080i60, 1080p23.98, 1080p24, 1080p25, 1080p29.97, 1080p30


625i50 PAL, 525i59.94 NTSC, 720p50, 720p59.94, 720p60, 1080i50, 1080i59.94, 1080i60, 1080p23.98, 1080p24, 1080p25, 1080p29.97, 1080p30, 1080p50, 1080p59.94, 1080p60

Level A or level B 3G-SDI

1080p50, 1080p59.94, 1080p60

6G-SDI or 12G-SDI

2160p23.98, 2160p24, 2160p25, 2160p29.97, 2160p30, 2160p50, 2160p59.94, 2160p60

Quad link 2SI 6G-SDI or Dual link 2SI 12G-SDI

4320p23.98, 4320p24, 4320p25, 4320p29.97, 4320p30

Quad link 2SI 12G-SDI

4320p50, 4320p59.94, 4320p60

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