Blackmagic HyperDeck Studio HD Plus

Blackmagic HyperDeck Disk Recorders Using the Monitor Output

Blackmagic HyperDeck Studio HD Plus

The monitor output is a fast way to visually check your recording or playback video, with overlays displaying important status information such as the codec being used, the video and signal format, frame rate, timecode, file name, transport control status, storage media status, and audio levels.

Below is a description of the information displayed.


Displays the codec selected via the LCD menu.


Displays the current clip’s resolution and frame rate when in playback mode. If you are in record mode, it will display the resolution and frame rate of the video connected to the currently selected source.


Displays the timecode present in your video clip during playback, or currently being recorded via the video or timecode inputs. You can also select between displaying clip timecode or the time counter for the timeline.


Displays the currently selected SDI or HDMI source. If ‘no signal’ appears, it means a valid signal is not detected.


Shows the name of your HyperDeck disk recorder. For information on how to change the name, see ‘Blackmagic HyperDeck Setup’ later in this manual.


As you play back or record a clip, this indicator will display the transport control status and controls currently being used. These include:

HyperDeck is in standby mode.

Indicates playback is set to ‘loop’ all recorded clips sharing the currently selected video format.

Video is being played.

Indicates playback is set to loop a single clip.

Video is being recorded. The indicator will illuminate red during recording.

Indicates shuttle mode is enabled, but in standby.

Displayed during fast forward or rewind. The numbers indicate the speed.

HyperDeck is in jog mode.

HyperDeck is in scroll mode.

Storage Media Status

These three indicators display the name and status of the SD card, SSDs and active USB drive and vary slightly depending on the HyperDeck model.

HyperDeck Studio HD Plus

SD Card slot 1

SD Card slot 2

Active external disk

HyperDeck Studio Pro Models

Current SD or SSD slot in use

Next SD or SSD slot in order

Active external disk

On all HyperDeck models, the third indicator displays the USB drive. If you are using a USB hub, or a dock such as Blackmagic MultiDock 10G, the active drive will be displayed.

Disk or Drive Indicator

The text above the progress bar indicates the SD card slot or SSD slot. If you are recording, ‘current’ will appear to the left of the drive so you can easily identify which disk is recording. ‘Next’ will appear above the progress bar to indicate the next disk or drive to be recorded to.

Media Bar

The media bar icon will be either blue, white or red depending on its current status and will display the used space on the card.

The blue drive icon indicates the active drive. This is the drive that will be used for playback and recording.

A white drive icon indicates there is media present, but not active. A solid white icon indicates the media is full.

The bar will illuminate red during recording.

Text underneath the media bar will display either the record time remaining or the status of the slot.

Time remaining

When your SD card or SSD drive has space remaining, the duration available will be displayed in hours:minutes:seconds based on the current source format and your chosen codec and quality settings. If there is less than an hour left, minutes:seconds remaining will be displayed.

Slot status

‘No card’ and ‘no drive’ will display if there is no media connected to that media slot.

Once an SD card, SSD or USB drive is full, the icon will display ‘card full’ or ‘drive full’ so you know it’s time to swap out the storage media. If you have another SD card or SSD inserted, the recording will automatically spill over and start recording onto it. If you have an external disk connected, the recording will spill over once all the SD cards and SSDs are full.

A locked drive will be shown with ‘locked’ under the progress bar.

Audio Meters

On screen audio meters will display up to 16 channels of audio, depending on how many channels you wish to record. These can be set to either PPM or VU meters via the audio tab of the LCD menu.

To select your number of recorded audio channels, or to change to a different audio meter, use the audio tab of the LCD menu. For more information, refer to the ‘settings’ section earlier in this manual.

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