Blackmagic HyperDeck Extreme 8K HDR

Blackmagic HyperDeck Extreme HDR User Manual Transferring Files over a Network

Blackmagic HyperDeck Extreme 8K HDR

HyperDeck Extreme supports file transfer via both hypertext transfer protocol secure, known as HTTPS, and file transfer protocol known as FTP. This lets you copy files directly from your computer to your HyperDeck via a network with the fast speeds a local network can provide. For example, you could be copying new files to a HyperDeck unit being used for playing back video on monitor walls and digital signage.

You can also transfer any file to and from a HyperDeck Extreme, but it’s worth noting that any files you intend to play back from the HyperDeck will need to conform to your HyperDeck’s supported codecs and resolutions. You can find the supported codecs in the ‘record’ settings section of this manual.


TIP You can transfer files over a network while you are recording. HyperDeck Extreme will automatically adjust transfer speeds to make sure recording is not affected.

Access to HyperDeck Extreme via either of these protocols can be enabled or disabled via the HyperDeck Setup utility. For example, you could disable FTP access and enable HTTPS access at the same time.

Connecting to HyperDeck Extreme via HTTPS

To access HyperDeck Extreme via the web media manager you will need the URL available via the network access settings. Network access settings appear in HyperDeck Setup utility when your computer is connected via USB or Ethernet but are disabled when only Ethernet is connected.

  1. Using a USB-C cable, connect your computer to HyperDeck Extreme via the USB port on the rear panel and open HyperDeck Setup. You should see a USB connection icon next to the unit name. Click on the circular icon or anywhere on the product image to open the settings.

  2. When using a self signed certificate, navigate to the network access settings and click on the copy icon beside the URL. This URL is based on the name of your HyperDeck. To modify the URL, modify the name of the unit. When using a self signed certificate click on the link

  3. If you have imported a certificate signed by a CA or IT department, copy and paste the address in the domain field for the current certificate. Copy the domain address and paste into a browser

  4. Open your web browser and paste the address into a new window. If you have enabled access with security only you will be prompted to enter the username and password set in HyperDeck Setup utility.

When using a self signed certificate, a browser warning will appear regarding the privacy of the connection, this means a trusted signed certificate has not been imported via HyperDeck Setup utility.

To continue without a valid and trusted certificate, follow your browser prompts to acknowledge the risks and proceed to the website.

Transferring Files Using Web Media Manager

When you first open the web media manager browser view you will see your files will be sorted via the relevant media slots.


Media on CFast cards inserted in the upper CFast slot.


Media on CFast cards inserted in the lower CFast slot.


Connected USB drives will be will be listed with the prefix USB/.

Double click the media to reveal the contents of the CFast card or drive.

Click the upload button to add files

To add files remotely for playback, click on the ‘upload’ button. Using the file browser navigate to your file and click ‘upload’. A status window will appear during the upload. You can also add folders if needed using the ‘create folder’ button.

To download files, use the arrow icon on the far right. Your browser may prompt you to allow downloads from the site. Click on ‘allow’. To delete a file, click the trash can icon and a delete file window will appear. Click ‘delete’ to proceed.

Transferring Files via FTP

With your computer and HyperDeck Extreme on the same network, all you need is an ftp client and your HyperDeck Extreme’s IP address or the FTP URL in the HyperDeck Setup utility.

  1. Download and install an FTP client on the computer you want to connect your HyperDeck Extreme to. We recommend Cyberduck, FileZilla or Transmit but most FTP applications will work. Cyberduck and FileZilla are free downloads.

  2. With HyperDeck Extreme connected to your network, open HyperDeck Setup and click on the FTP URL or press the copy icon to paste it manually. You may need to click the link a second time if the FTP program doesn’t open a connection.

  3. If you are manually opening an FTP connection, paste the URL into the server field. Check ‘anonymous login’ if available.

  4. CFast cards will be identified by their slot number, example cfast1 and cfast2. If you expand the usb folder any connected USB drives will appear in the list.

You can now drag and drop files using the FTP interface.

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