Blackmagic Cloud Pod

Blackmagic Cloud Store User Manual Adding Syncs

Blackmagic Cloud Pod

The first step to adding syncs is to download and install Blackmagic Cloud Store Setup from the Blackmagic Design support center at

After installing the software, launch Blackmagic Cloud Store Setup and click on the settings icon to open the settings for your cloud store. The sync settings are located in the ‘cloud sync’ tab.

Setting Date and Time

Cloud services such as Dropbox or Google Drive require the correct date and time to sync to your Blackmagic Cloud Store. By default, your cloud store will use the Cloudflare NTP server to automatically set the date and time.

To sync your online account with Blackmagic Cloud Store all you need to do is sign into your online account using the cloud sync settings, set the folder you want to sync to and set the sync direction.

Sign into Dropbox and Google Drive

  1. Click on the ‘sign in’ button for the Dropbox or Google Drive account. A sign in window will appear.

  2. Sign into Dropbox or Google Drive. A confirmation message will indicate that you have successfully connected. If the connection failed, check your computer is connected to the Internet.

  3. You can close the browser window.

Sync Folder and Direction

  1. After signing in, you will see an ‘add sync location’ window appear in the setup utility.

  2. Name the sync location and click on the folder icons to point to your desired sync folders. These would typically share the same name.

  3. Select the sync direction. For example, if you are syncing to Dropbox and you want to sync files from your cloud store to Dropbox but not from Dropbox to your cloud store, select ‘from cloud store to Dropbox’.

  4. Click ‘add’. Your online server account is now synced to your Blackmagic Cloud Store. Status indicators provide information about the sync process

  5. If you want to add additional sync locations to your account click on the ‘add sync’ button.

The sync arrows show the sync direction. A blue arrow shows that data is being sent from your cloud store and a yellow arrow shows that data is being received. If data is being sent and received at the same time, then a blue and yellow arrow will be displayed. A gray arrow indicates when data is not being synced in that direction.

The percentage figure to the right of the sync arrows shows the current status of the sync progress.

  • Click on the ‘edit sync’ indicator to change the sync location name.

  • Click on this indicator to delete the sync location. In the confirmation dialog box, click ‘continue’ to confirm or ‘cancel’ to abort the deletion.

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